About Me

I believe in being more than the college I went to, the cities I've lived in, the credentials I put on my resume, and more than the titles and names people know me by.

I am the sum of my experiences, learnings and creations, my insatiable curiosity, and my unending drive to build great things and solve real-world problems.

About Me
The Paths I've Taken

For most of my life, I have just been an average kid.

But I never liked taking the path everyone else took, or using a cookie cutter method for life. To me, life is a path that's different for everyone and those taken by one are almost never the best paths for someone else.

I only ever had two possible career options as I have had clarity on what I liked and wanted to be from a very early age.

I ended up being a Software Engineer which was one of the two possible career options I had set for myself.

If you're someone from India, you would be expected to choose between getting an engineering degreee or being a doctor. I've had the fortune of having parents who always supported me in not choosing either of those paths.

I did not go for an engineering degree and instead decided to build up my skillset early on, and tried to connect with people who have similar interests and acumen.

I learnt everything I could get my hands on, from creating themes for forum software, building web apps and then architecting systems. Ran a small business, freelanced and interned, no opportunity was small enough for me to let go of.

Today and Beyond

I've always liked having control of my life. I don't put myself in positions where someone else pulls the strings (One of the reasons I never liked School) so I always do my best to be the one in charge of my situations.

Don't let the above fool you into thinking I am a rebel however, I've always been an academically bright student, a great communicator and, as far as my colleagues tell me, a great co-worker to have around.

I love exploring, traveling and having conversations with interesting people. Hit me up if you would like to have a chat. I keep an open mind, am an optimist and always look for the good in things.


"For me, it's about finding the thing you like.
Doing the best you can do about it.
And then finding more of what you like."