Developer Focus

Hobnob is a new and creative way for Coding Instructors to share code snippets, lessons and much more with their fellow students.

How? A student can see the code being written, edit it in real time, copy, paste in it and do whatever they want, all while the lesson plays.

The Problem!

We know no-one likes to see a YouTube tutorial video not being able to do anything while it plays. Or worse, not even being able to copy the code that's present on their screen in order to test it on their machines.

This is primarily because all the lectures are in Video form, that prohibit interactivity and feedback? What if there was a better way to do it?

Video Lecture
Developer Activity
The Solution!

Hobnob solves the above mentioned problem by letting Teachers/Instructors record their code keystroke by keystroke and cursor by cursor, along with the usual audio dictation.

So since there is no video involved in the process, the user can pause, edit, copy, paste and basically do anything they want with the code in the recording and resume where they left off!

Collaboration Built In!

Collaboration is built into the system, in the form of comments on code snippets that the Instructors share and receive feedback on.

These ensure that instructors get valueable feedback on their code snippets even when the students are not around!

Add to it the ability to assign tasks, and push class notifications! And the package seems worthwhile!

Advantages All Over!

Not only does Hobnob increase the productivity and interactivity of the class! It does so in a space conservative way.

A regular Hobnob lecture is on an average about 1% the size of a regular HD 1080p Screencast or Video. And when you consider the added benefit of flexibility involved in it, it all sounds really good. You save on infrastructure cost and increase the productivity and interactivity of your class! Win Win!

Size Comparison

Security + Privacy =

You are always in control. Hobnob uses Token based authentication system for logging in and authenticating users.

The Instructors can choose to create a group and add share it with only the students that they want to have in the certain group. So, no one who is not invited can join it! Privacy to a whole new level!

Support Whenever, Whereever!

Every Hobnob purchase comes with a 1-month support period! If you ever face any issue with Hobnob, just drop us a message and we will be on it in no time!

The package comes with some pretty good documentation containing quick guides for the whole app. So it's a plus too!

Quick Support
Robust infrastructure
Robust Infrastructure

The system is built on the latest technologies such as React and Redux in the frontend, and Express, Node.js and MongoDB in the Backend. You know, your typical MERN Stack. But with utmost care of scalability and security.

The code is well achitechted and modulated, which ensures that whenever you have a problem, it can be found out and fixed as soon as possible. Saving lots of time!

All the above. Launching Soon!
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